CMYK, RGB, and web color values for Bruna Color

CMYK, RGB, and web color values for Bruna Color


I looked at the CMYK, RGB and web color values for Brunacolor.

The source of the image is an image (RGB) (CMYK) from Sobue’s twitpic.
Based on this, I opened the image in photoshop, and the following table summarizes the color values.

The actual books are all printed with special spot colors, so these figures are only “approximate”. It is. Also, please note that these are not official figures.

lustre RGB (values are R, G, B in that order) CMYK (values are C, M, Y, and K, in that order) Web Color
ブルーナカラー 8-0-0 45-35-35-100 #080000
ブルーナカラー 136-89-59 15-50-60-50. #88593b
ブルーナカラー 234-84-21 0-80-95-0 #ea5415
ブルーナカラー 238-119-1 1-65-100-0 #ee7701
ブルーナカラー 255-223-0 0-11-100-0 #ffdf00
ブルーナカラー 115-112-97 0-0-20-70 #737061
ブルーナカラー 0-81-146 100-51-1-30 #005192
ブルーナカラー 29-122-33 72-0-99-43 #1d7a21

★ “Bunny”: to be exact, gray doesn’t come up very often. And then there’s actually one more special color. Orange for carrots. This one only appears when the carrots come out! It’s a special ink for carrots. I’m sure it was added because printing carrots with red ink doesn’t look very tasty.


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